Donation Apps: Try It, You’ll Like It

Is there a donation app on your church’s website?  Should you use it?

Have you ever seen someone arrive at church and pull out their checkbook?  Maybe it was you!.  I’ve done it.  I’m ready for church; on my way out the door; then I remember that I forgot. 

My own church, Trinity Episcopal Church, starting using the app when in-person services were being discouraged.  While I was sure the app had been carefully chosen, I felt a need to vet the app myself.  So I googled.  If there were complaints, I was sure to find them.  I didn’t find any; so I decided to give it a go.

I downloaded the app onto my phone and set it up with my bank account; There’s a “payment” button at the bottom of the screen, then buttons for “credit/debit” or “bank” on the next screen.  You may be more comfortable using the app on your computer; I’ll bet most of my church does this on their computers rather than their phones.

You can choose your church from a drop-down menu.  Simply click the “give now” button.  It will take you to another page where you can choose the fund: budget, flowers, etc.  It defaults to budget.   Just fill in the amount that you want to donate.  There’s a box to check if you want to make recurring payments.  Below that you can check a box to cover the transaction fees.  Now just touch the donate button.  It couldn’t be easier. 

Instantly, I receive an email verifying the donation and the donation shows up on the app.  You can review your list of payments in the app. 

Now when you get to church you can fellowship; that’s better, isn’t it?

Have fun!  And be nice to your bookkeeper!

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