Libratum Bookkeeping
Leave the bookkeeping to me so that you can invest your time and energy running your business.

What I do

I’m a virtual bookkeeper that provides bookkeeping to busy, overworked business owners so they can spend their time on the things that matter to them. I also prepare and present financial statements to owners so that we can identify and focus on the activities that will increase profit and build the business they want to have.

By hiring a virtual bookkeeper you are hiring a knowledgeable professional for a fraction of what it would cost to pay the salary of an in-house bookkeeper. It’s my job to relieve you of bookkeeping concerns; so I tailor the process for you.
What My Clients Say?
Suzanne did an excellent job and was an asset to me. She's extremely organized and is able to
complete projects in a timely manner.
Suzanne was always willing to assist and is able to quickly establish a good rapport with clients.
Jack Bradley
W T Bradley & Son Locksmiths
"... she [Suzanne] has shown great skills in accounting and bookkeeping. Her knowledge of Quickbooks, Microsoft Office ... has been invaluable. ... She has mastered the complexities of our tax program and has been able to answer clients' questions and solve many of their problems without involving a CPA. Our clients are always omplimenting her for her pleasant demeaner ...."
Bob Johnson, CPA
Accounting & Consulting Group
"Suzanne is extremely knowledgeable and has efficient work skills. I couldn't be happier for all she has done for my business. I feel confident that my organization is in good hands. I would recommend her to anyone."
Joseph Cannizzaro
JCP Company